In memory of a very special man.

Created by Neil 2 years ago
In memory of a very special man. 

Vic has been a real mentor to me in helping me understand that success in life is measured through smiles, laughter and happiness in the people around you, more than fancy job titles and sports cars etc. You demonstrated that a good career is to provide comfort to your family to support their happiness and allow them to do things that make them happy. 

A friend here in New Zealand pointed out a few months ago that I'm forever looking out for opportunities to do something a bit daft, to make people laugh, especially in serious situations.  I think we all know where I learnt this talent from, since I meet you as a teenager in th 80's. 

Sorry we cant be there to say farewell and offer support to your amazing family. 

Wherever you have gone will be a happier place with you. 

I hope everyone manages to find a few laughs and smiles today, in the memory of a very special man. 

"May the Spoon be with you my friend" 

Love to everyone 

Neil, Claire and Fay, Wellington, New Zealand 

PS Teenage Fay will always remember you as the guy who knows Tom Holland.  Jealous!